Danilo Carastan-Santos Webpage
Associate professor (tenure) at University Grenoble Alpes. Researcher in lightweight, eco-responsible methods for parallel and distributed systems at the Grenoble Computer Science Laboratory (UMR 5217).

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Research Topics
My research takes place in the context of large-scale parallel and distributed infrastructures such as supercomputers and computing clusters and their applications, with a recent emphasis on limiting their energy consumption and environmental impacts. Such infrastructures are complex in terms of high-level parallelism and heterogeneity, are shared by numerous users, and rapidly evolve over time. Such complexity raises many fundamental questions and technical challenges in order to exploit such infrastructures as efficiently as possible.
I organize my research activity in the following three research axes:
Data Science and Machine Learning applied to High-Performance Computing infrastructures’ resource management
Frugal methods to limit the energy consumption and environmental impacts of distributed computing
Analysis and development of parallel and distributed infrastructures applications and architectures